Mountain Lions

From the Set Wild About Cats!

Mountain lions are also called pumas, cougars, and panthers. No matter what you call them, these wild cats are ferocious predators. In this engaging title, leveled text and vibrant photos help readers discover what mountain lions eat, what they hunt, how they raise their babies, and more. Special features call out the cats' body parts, map their range, call out their conservation status and numbers, and more. Beginning readers will enjoy this journey into mountain lion territory!

Format List Price Your Price Qty
$29.95 $20.97
Interest Level Kindergarten - Grade 3
Reading Level Grade 2
Dewey Number 599.75
Lexile 500L
ATOS Reading Level
Guided Reading Level N
Language English
Publisher Bellwether Media
Format Reinforced book
ISBN 9798886878066
Copyright 2024
Number of Pages 24
Dimensions 6.5 x 9
Graphics Full-color photographs

Booklist Review of Wild About Cats!

The facts packed into the Wild about Cats! series are not “kitten”around! Each work provides an easy introduction to a big cat throughits most unique attributes and habits, followed by hunting behaviorsand child-rearing activities. Each title notes the vulnerability status ofthe designated cat population and compares size to that of a common house cat for easy reference. These leveled readers use challengingvocabulary, accompanied by simple sentence structure and vivid photographs related to each subject throughout the work. The vulnerableanimals covered in Cheetahs are revered as the fastest land mammals,residing in the savannas and mountains; males flock in small groupscalled coalitions and females live alone (with the exception of thosewith cubs). In Jaguars, the similarly spotted felines are noted as wetland, grassland, and rainforest residing cats, with a near-threatenedvulnerability status. They’re recognized for having impressive retract-able claws and being solitary creatures prone to marking their territory.The focus of Lions is a social creature living with prides in grasslands,open woodlands, and thick brush areas south of the Sahara Desert.Also featuring retractable claws, they are far more reliant on members of the pride to collaborate on hunting and defense. Tigers featuresthe endangered striped cats that reside in Asia, utilize webbed toes forswimming and hunting, and are known to be the largest cat species.The works conclude with a glossary for more complex terms, index,additional reading resources, and a plug for Bellweather’s database,Factsurfer. Sure to be an essential resource for curious young readersready to learn more about big felines.  

SLJ Review of Wild About Cats!

This fact-filled series about big cats includes lots of interesting information for eager readers. Facts about the animals’ habitats, hunting habits, appearance, social grouping, speed, diet, and development are clearly presented. Each volume identifies the cat’s status on the world’s endangered scale, and almost all these beautiful creatures are identified as at least “vulnerable.” In all cases, the reason is habitat loss and hunting. The series includes great ­close-up color ­photos. As needed, labeled arrows point to cats’ specific features, clarifying information in the text. Additionally, each title includes a world map, with the cat’s range noted in red.
Of special interest in each volume, especially to cat owners/­lovers, is a side-by-side size diagram comparing the height at shoulder and length (without tail) of the big cat to those of a house cat in inches and centimeters. Various diagrams offer information about cats, including conservation status, populations in the wild, population trends, and lifespan. Back matter includes a glossary and an index, a bibliography, and resources for additional information.
VERDICT: Recommended for schools and public collections. Sensitive students may feel concerned about some hunting scenes, though they’re not gory.

Author: Alicia Z. Klepeis