Planet Takeover
From the Set The Gamer
As Tyler Morant sits down to play a space battle video game, his screen flickers and an alarm sounds. Game Galaxy Ten needs the Gamer's help. A villain named Vex Vision is trying to take over the game. Tyler quickly transforms to go on a mission that crosses galaxies. Can he bring down a villain who is truly out of this world?
SLJ Review of The Gamer
In the most recent titles added to this exciting video game–themed thriller series, The Gamer, aka 13-year-old Tyler Morant, is a secret hero who works to protect Earth and the video game realm from real dangers. Tyler battles his nemesis, Cynthia Cyber, along with new villains: Vex Vision, Disco Danger, and a group of movie-turned-real-life villains: the Mega Mightees. The Gamer series is perfect for older readers not quite ready for, but interested in, longer, more involved plots. The full-color illustrations on every spread, combined with the short sentences and chapters, make for a quick, attention-grabbing reading experience. A glossary, discussion questions, and writing prompts are included in each text.
VERDICT: Hand this to fans of Pilkey’s Ricky Ricotta’s Mighty Robots or those looking for a video-game-themed reading experience.