Making Big Life Decisions
From the Set Tackling Teen Mental Health Issues
As we age, we each face big decisions. During the teenage years, each person develops decision-making skills. Some people naturally make good decisions, but others need an objective source of experience to help them learn about how to make decisions, decision-making processes, and how to turn around a bad decision. From choosing a college to deciding whether to take a first drink at a party, teenagers must make huge life decisions without any experience making them. This book covers how to make decisions using a formal process, the neuroscience of decision-making, reversing a bad decision, improving decision-making skills, and how to avoid making bad decisions. Written in a question-and-answer format, it offers well-researched, scientifically based answers to common questions. Like an FAQ written by a nerdy big sister from another mother, it offers honest, science-based answers to questions teens want to ask but might not have someone to ask.