Ghosts and Spirits
From the Set Exploring the Occult
Since ancient times, people all over the world have believed in the existence of ghosts and spirits. While there is no scientific proof that these entities are real, there is no proof they are not. With the help of real-life stories, this book examines different kinds of ghosts, haunted places, why people believe, and how ghost hunters work, so that readers can decide for themselves what to believe.
Booklist Review of Exploring the Occult
Do you believe in angels? If so, you’ve got company: according to this installment in the Exploring the Occult series (5 titles), 70 percent of Americans do—and 60 percent believe in the devil. Kallen invites readers to think of angels as divine superheroes that are all-knowing, all-seeing, and all-powerful. The devil and his minions are, of course, “the ultimate biblical supervillains.” This established, Kallen then offers a brief history of angelic legend and lore, with a special nod to the work of St. Thomas Aquinas, who arranged angels in hierarchies. Most of the book, however, focuses on contemporary beliefs and experiences. Unfortunately, most of the sources are dubious; many come from social media and are unverifiable. But perhaps that’s no matter since the book is an exercise in a willing suspension of disbelief.