Fall 2024

Curiosidad por los tanques (Curious about Tanks)

From the Set Curious about Military Machines (Curiosidad por las máquinas militares)

Boom! Tanks are built to blast through enemy lines. Just how powerful are they? And what's it like to drive one? Tap into kids' natural curiosity about the high-interest topic of the military with questions and answers about how tanks work. Translated into North American Spanish, this inquiry-based format guides elementary Spanish readers with accessible language about the size of an M1 Abrams tank, the biggest tank battles, and what makes a tank bulletproof.
Colorful and engaging infographics draw in browsers and visual learners. A "Stay Curious!" feature encourages kids to keep asking questions while doubling as a mini media literacy lesson on research skills. Includes table of contents, glossary, and index.

Format List Price Your Price Qty
$35.70 $24.95
Interest Level Grade 1 - Grade 4
Reading Level Grade 2
Dewey Number 623
ATOS Reading Level
Guided Reading Level
Language Spanish
Publisher Amicus
Format Reinforced book
ISBN 9781645499497
Copyright 2025
Number of Pages 24
Dimensions 7 x 9
Graphics Full-color photographs

Author: Rachel Grack