Murder of Gianni Versace

From the Set American Crime Stories

This title explores the story of Andrew Cunanan, who murdered five men, including world-famous fashion designer Gianni Versace, before taking his own life. The book discusses the national manhunt for Cunanan, police investigations, and conspiracy theories about the killer's unknown motives. Features include a glossary, a timeline, references, websites, source notes, and an index.

Format List Price Your Price Qty
$42.79 $29.95
Interest Level Grade 6 - Grade 12
Reading Level Grade 8
Dewey Number 364.97
Lexile 1040L
ATOS Reading Level
Guided Reading Level
Language English
Publisher ABDO Publishing
Format Reinforced book
ISBN 9781098292119
Copyright 2024
Number of Pages 112
Dimensions 6.25 x 9.25
Graphics Full-color photographs

SLJ Review of American Crime Stories

These titles are not for the faint of heart. A warning in each book alerts readers to triggers of violence, crime, and death “that may be disturbing.” Each case is accompanied by infographics, detailed maps, photos, and a timeline of key events. The crime and its investigation are described along with information on the key participants. Sidebars explain rigor mortis, how CSI processes a scene, and other related topics. An “Essential Facts” section recaps key points at the end of each narrative. Back matter includes a glossary, source notes, a selected bibliography, a further reading list, suggested organizations to contact for more information, and a QR code to access online resources. VERDICT A good purchase to support criminal justice electives.

Author: Yvette LaPierre