Eli Whitney's 1793 invention of the cotton gin changed the laborious production of cotton into a rapid process. An even more important development from Whitney was the concept of mass… More →
600 - Technology
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The inventions of the early to mid-1900s dramatically changed life around the world. One of the most influential inventions was the automobile, and Henry Ford was a pioneer of car design and… More →
Ferdinand von Zeppelin invented the floating airship that bears his name in the late 1800s and made way for a wave of advances in aviation. Reginald Fessenden was a different sort of pioneer, More →
Frederick Sanger won the Nobel Prize twice for his advances in chemistry. He influenced the treatment of disease and the understanding of RNA and DNA. The interests of Sanger's fellow… More →
We have the engineer Charles Stark Draper to thank for advances in navigational systems for ships, airplanes, and missiles. The period in which Draper worked was overshadowed by war. It… More →
Cro-Magnon were prehistoric humans who produced sophisticated tools and lasting art. The historical evidence of their daily lives gives us a sense of the useful and artistic inventions they… More →
Science of the Ancient World
The scientific developments of the ancient world marked the beginning of civilization and ushered in a whole new way of interpreting and interacting with the world. These developments include More →