This title introduces readers to the major types of biomes. Alongside climate, readers will learn about the plants and animals that call each biome home and how they interact with their… More →
577 - Ecology
26 records found. Displaying 1 - 12.
Climate Change Impact: Ecosystems
Most climate change headlines discuss how humans are impacted by rising temperatures and extreme weather. But climate change is also affecting plants, animals, and entire ecosystems found in… More →
En el bosque (In the Forest)
Forests--full of trees and home to many animals. Developing readers learn about the plants and animals of a forest in this low-level Spanish search-and-find beginning reader. Vast expanses of More →
En el desierto (In the Desert)
Deserts--hot and dry. Developing readers learn about the weather, plants, and animals of a desert in this low-level Spanish search-and-find beginning reader. Careful, this isn't the beach.… More →
En el estanque (In the Pond)
Ponds--home to cute animals and cool plants. Developing readers learn about the pond ecosystem in this low-level Spanish search-and-find beginning reader. Frogs on lilypads and ducks diving… More →
En el océano (In the Ocean)
Oceans--the biggest bodies of water in the world. Developing readers learn about the plants and animals of an ocean in this low-level Spanish search-and-find beginning reader. The salty… More →
En el pantano (In the Swamp)
Swamps--wet and muddy. Developing readers learn about the plants and animals of a swamp in this low-level Spanish search-and-find beginning reader. Just below the surface of the murky water… More →
En la pradera (On the Prairie)
Prairies--long grass and wide open fields. Developing readers learn about the plants and animals of a prairie in this low-level Spanish search-and-find beginning reader. The grass looks… More →
Extreme Underwater Facts
Did you know that 71 percent of Earth is covered in water? Down below, there are all sorts of unknown animals and hidden treasure. Discover totally extreme facts about what's happening below… More →
In the Desert
Deserts--hot and dry. Developing readers learn about the weather, plants, and animals of a desert in this low-level search-and-find beginning reader. Careful, this isn't the beach. There may… More →
In the Forest
Forests--full of trees and home to many animals. Developing readers learn about the plants and animals of a forest in this low-level search-and-find beginning reader. Vast expanses of trees… More →
In the Ocean
Oceans--the biggest bodies of water in the world. Developing readers learn about the plants and animals of an ocean in this low-level search-and-find beginning reader. The salty waters of the More →